
107 items found
English Pistols and Revolvers

English Pistols and Revolvers

A decent reference for those who collect civilian firearms from the early 19th century. Good hardcover reference.  read more

Code: 51945

15.00 CAD

Military Breechloading Rifles

Military Breechloading Rifles

This book covers the Snider and Martini-Henry Rifles in detail. Hardcover in good condition.  read more

Code: 51944

28.00 CAD

Ross Rifle Story

Ross Rifle Story

One of the most in-depth books written on the infamous Ross Rifle and hard to find. In good condition used.  read more

Code: 51943

150.00 CAD

The Japanese Swords and its Fittings

The Japanese Swords and its Fittings

A paperback summary of the sword and its component parts from the Cooper Museum. A useful reference in good condition.  read more

Code: 51942


Arms and Armour of Ancient Japan

Arms and Armour of Ancient Japan

A binder summary of this topic.  read more

Code: 51941


Japanese Armour; Anderson

Japanese Armour; Anderson

An important hardcover study and illustrated guide to the work of the Myochin and Saotome families from the 15th to the 20th century. In good condition.  read more

Code: 51940

50.00 CAD

Swords of Imperial Japan 1865 -1945

Swords of Imperial Japan 1865 -1945

A must have reference in paperback showing every government pattern in line drawings and 260 photos.  read more

Code: 51939

125.00 CAD

The Samurai Sword Handbook

The Samurai Sword Handbook

The Samurai Sword is an indispensable book for the fortunate owner of one and an invaluable source book for all interested in this superb craft, the secrets of which have been jealously guarded for centuries. A hardcover in good condition.  read more

Code: 51938


The Japanese Family Crest by Hawley and Chappelear.

The Japanese Family Crest by Hawley and Chappelear.

Another rare book pertaining to Japanese swords. This one covers the family crest that may adorn the sword. An important detail for the collector this books provide a bevy of illustrated family markings or Mons. Hundreds of mon are arranged by subject and explained. There is an introductory chapter on the history of the mon and each mon is accompanied by a list of families that used it.  read more

Code: 51937


Japanese Sword Smiths Revised by Hawley

Japanese Sword Smiths Revised by Hawley

One of the most important references you can find on Japanese blade markings. A comprehensive anthology of every know smiths marking in a beautifully bound book. Used, but still in good condition, these books fetch a high price for their rarity and importance to collectors. Published in 1981.  read more

Code: 51936