367 items found
Battle Royal History of the Royal Regiment of Canada

Battle Royal History of the Royal Regiment of Canada

This is another one of Toronto's old original Militia garrison units that served so well for so long to this very day. Originally the 10th Bn. this unit performed well in all of its operations. It covers the First and Second WOrld Wars and the 19th Century. The hardcover book is in good condition.  read more

Code: 52018

45.00 CAD



A must have for those who collect this famous Regiment. Excellent condition.  read more

Code: 52017

35.00 CAD

Military Fashion by Mollo

Military Fashion by Mollo

Mollo was one of the top dogs in the collecting field and producing many reference books in the 1980s. This is a very generic book full of colour plates on all aspects of collecting with rare and amazing object dating back to the 17th Century to WWI. For someone about to enter the arena of collecting militaria this book gives one an idea of the possibilities. The image on the dust cover gives...  read more

Code: 52016

40.00 CAD

Dress Regulations 1900

Dress Regulations 1900

This is a reprint of the original British Army Manual on the Dress Regulation for the Army at the time of the Boer War. The book is in good condition and is a great resource for those who collect British or Commonwealth uniforms, it is full of photographs of headgear and uniforms by corps. It is a must have for the serious collector. Dust cover is rough.  read more

Code: 52015

50.00 CAD

British Military Pistols 1603 to 1888

British Military Pistols 1603 to 1888

A well documented book covering all of the pistol types and patterns of the various periods covered, One of the more sought after publications covering this subject. In good condition.  read more

Code: 52014

130.00 CAD

WD Revolvers of the British Services 1854 to 1954

WD Revolvers of the British Services 1854 to 1954

A very desired book outlining the various revolver patterns issued to the British Forces in this 100 year time frame. Good condition.  read more

Code: 52013

80.00 CAD

A Lot of 5 Historical Arms Series Booklets on Canadian Firearms

A Lot of 5 Historical Arms Series Booklets on Canadian Firearms

Offered is a lot of paperback booklets on the issued arms to the Canadian Militia and CEF covering the Brown Bess, Snider, Enfield No1 and Ross Rifles. A good series with a very good synopsis of these basic arms. There is a more generic book that covers all the basic arms to the Canadian Military over the 19th and early 20th centuries. Perfect booklets to carry to a gun show as a handy refere...  read more

Code: 52012

50.00 CAD

Les Sabres

Les Sabres

A french publication of the French pattern Saber, very well researched, full of images and plates of examples and full of written documentation. For those who read French or are just die hard collectors who want a pictorial reference. In good condition  read more

Code: 52011

120.00 CAD

Les Epees

Les Epees

A french publication of the French Rapier and Small Swords, very well researched,full of images and plates of examples and full of written documentation. For those who read French or are just die hard collectors who want a pictorial reference. In good condition.  read more

Code: 52010

120.00 CAD

British and Commonwealth Military Knives

British and Commonwealth Military Knives

A highly desirable book on the subject and hard to find on the market at a reasonable price. In good condition.  read more

Code: 52009

150.00 CAD